Saturday, November 10, 2012

Home Range

Mid-autumn found my family in a lodge tucked in the woods, on the side of Winslow Hill in Benezette, PA.  It has become a family tradition to travel back to the place my forebears settled back in the 1830's each fall to see how it's changing, and view the revived Elk herd.

Growing up, my sisters and I spent many a night in the cabin our Grandad built just up a piece from a curve known as the 'Devil's Elbow." Inside a one room log cabin, we slept on straw tick mattresses on double-sized bunk beds built of timbers felled on the property. We dipped our water from the creek that cut through the woods, and had a crock with the lid held down with a rock buried in the same creek for a cooler.  A couple of summers in the 1960's my uncle, Dad's older brother, took his 2 and Dad's 3 girls to the camp for a week.  What a brave man.  We cooked on the campfire, played Monopoly and Racko, sang silly songs and most importantly - we laughed. He taught the 3 youngest (I was the baby) how to go to sleep; get in bed, close your eyes, keep your mouth shut and don't move for 5 minutes.  Anyone still awake after 5 minutes was allowed to get up and play games with him and 'the big girls.'  Not one of us ever got out of bed before morning light.

This year, my aunt and uncle joined us for the annual trip, and we had a terrific time.  We explored Winslow Hill, took lots of photos of the homes and farms of the people who came before us, shared stories and memories. Dad is in his 80's and his health isn't terrific, so each time we can travel back it is a true gift. We saw more wildlife than ever - flocks of turkeys, an owl, hawks, deer, and elk. The fellow you see in the photo walked across the road in front of our vehicle taking his good old time as though he owned the place, which of course, he does!

A trip to Benezette and the Elk Visitor Center is not to be missed. Here's a link:

The scenic beauty inspires my art, which you can view at

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