Thursday, July 18, 2019

Textile Inspiration

It’s not at all unusual for me to go through my collection of textiles and laces and vintage handkerchiefs when I have an idea for an new doll.  The textures, hues and tactile qualities help me define who that doll is going to become.  This is a gathering of goodies that may become the next doll on my work table. 

There’s an amazing deep eggplant colored patterned velvet sleeve from a vintage robe, a delicate linen handkerchief with a deep lace edging, a bit of white cotton embroidered eyelet yardage and several linen and cotton goods. The tatted antimacassar has been in my collection for more than 25 years, just waiting for the perfect project.  
The fringed length was the finished edge of the alpaca shawl it’s next to as recently as yesterday.  I carefully removed the fringe finishing a narrow selvedge tape opposite the fringe.  I already know how I’m going to use it and it will be a sweet addition to my newest BestFriend doll.  After removing the fringe I hemmed the end of the shawl to prevent any unraveling.  It may remain in my doll textile collection, but then again I may wrap it around my neck on a cold winter’s day!

1 comment:

  1. I think it's fascinating how you are able to re-purpose so many items and make them into beautiful items. Ging
