Sunday, May 3, 2020

Mirielle and Miette - Two fine friends

Work on the ears of the pussycat continue.  This is a brief pictorial progress report.
Trimming away excess gessoed canvas in the inner ear is the first step.  These will be adjusted again and maybe even completely removed at a later point but for now I am only trimming them to a more reasonable size.
Next, I place small gathering stitches between the ears in the wool to create a bit of expression. 

I tack the wool  securely at the top of the head and along the sides of the neck with tiny stitches pulling the thread all the way through the doll, side to side.These keep it in place while I adjust the fit and begin trimming away the excess wool.

Now I can trim his ears.

Here, I begin to feed the first of many layers of Persian wool fibers into his neck to create a ruff that will clipped and dyed to create a proper and dignified Norwegian Forest cat ruff!

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