Saturday, September 8, 2012

Family meals and good bread

Sharing meals with friends and family, engaging in lively conversation and playing a game of Quiddler to celebrate the special events and the everyday of life are of highest priority in our home.  I love to find a new food to introduce to our menus, and a crusty sourdough bread recipe from a New York Times article is my new favorite.  Jim Lahey, of Sullivan Street Bakery, has developed an amazing no-knead sourdough bread. The crust comes out beautifully golden brown, and crisp with a moist, chewy complex flavored interior.  I take it out of the oven to a cooling rack, let it rest just a few moments before slicing, then take it to the table with fresh sweet salted butter and lots of big cotton dinner napkins. It's a beautiful accompaniment to a lunchtime salad, or soup and cheese at supper time.  I am a big fan of King Arthur bread flour and I use my Calphalon paella pan and follow the timing recommended in the recipe.  The clear glass lid of this pan allows me to watch as the bread develop its beautiful crust, and adds one more little bit of joy to the whole process. 
Here's a link to the recipe:
Good baking and good eating to you!